But with this picture, I thought I would explain the treaty which requires Nyokara to go from Gompani to Klunix.
If you don't realize it by the first chapter, Runpa has poor records of their history. They don't even know the coming of the Born Alone Child. So all the years are very mushy, knowing when things happened is a utopian idea.
But sometime in this 'Breath' (defined as the time between Born Alone Children) the countries decided to all be at peace. Now for centuries at least, there have been 7 distinct lands with the 7 siins. They eventually earned the names of the current countries. Lets take a look at all of them.
- Klunix- the country in the trees. This region of Runpa is made up completely of large Fiya trees that grow straight out of the water. because of the Fiya Trees, the water is very shallow and even freshwater. There is no land except for random dirt clumps or sand bars underneath the forest. The buildings are built in the trees, using the rare branches as support. To walk between the buildings, you must take the designated built paths which weave all through the forest. Now the buildings are not built anywhere near the leaves. The leaves grow way up at the canopy, and while the paths are built 20-30 feet above the water, the canopy still grows yet another 50-60 feet above where you walk. There are branches below the canopy, but they are mostly left over from ancient times when the trees were shorter. Kakynaru City is the capital of Klunix. There are two other main villages, Edilamo Village acts as the Ocean Port. And Shante Village is lost in the marshlands in the North East corner of the country. They teach the Leaf Siin in the Klunix Academy. Exports from this country include Fiya Berries (used for Loal Restorative Potions), Explosive materials made from the Fiya Chemicals (the Technology is exclusive to Klunix), Fortified Wood and Leaf Material. Woven fabrics, baskets, etc. from the marsh grasses. As of the time in Kandani, Klunix has the right to hold the treaty celebration. From Klunix, you meet the Darsuiyo who is acting very strangely. Then his 5 new Kiine who are training in their respective country just as Nyokara is in Gompani. Zenpalanai Palomipu, Shemimuzi Kogami, Pioril Bischam, Jolakaria Sukula, and Mikolor Linsiaza. The people of Klunix have rosy skin tones (mint tints) and more [what we would call Norse body structures] wide hips and shoulders, strong jaw lines.
- Paru - Paru is a very small country but very easy to get lost in. It takes control of the entire Sikaru Forest. Sikaru Forest is a jungle, being home to many of Gompani's animals. People usually find their way because of the constantly changing and moving foliage, or because they were drawn into the darkness by floating lights called 'wisps'. This is the most Mysterious Siin as anyone outside of Paru has no idea what it is. Wisps are balls of light with hypnotic colors and are Physical to the touch without a burning sensation. As far as people know, there are just 2 Villages. Xul Village is the Capital where the Darsuiyo, Sir Kijokui resides. The 2nd is Xine Village. The young fighters include Sir Okiji Makitlon (Cousin to the Darsuiyo), His obnoxious best friend Noki Pada. (Very Important Characters) Darxai Skuluo, Komishuno Mulitone, and Lorleir Hanazoy. Paru exports eternal lamps, but they are unimportant now that electricity is in common use. They get by with other special things such as plants or rare crops. The people of Paru typically have lanky bodies and very dark hair.
- Gompani - Probably the most Peaceful Country at the time. Sir Chierrikoro is the youngest Darsuiyo but has created an almost perfectly balanced economy. He is playful and wants peace between everyone. Gompani is the land of the fields. There are many grassy hills where the sun can just beat down. Cattle are raised and wheat/corn grown to be sold to other countries. Gompani's capital is Yapia city located in the center. Walka village is on Dalna cliff, the great rock face before the ocean. There is a northern village (Pala) and one at Sikaru forest built around a large property for the Julmihona Healers (Tutor). The 5 Kiine from Gompani are Siltazu Tokiroa, Tsuakiimi Julmihona, Calisia Lizura, Edapal Goyrai and Nyokara Pioni. Names like Jioriku and Kiymiara come from Nyokara's family as Jioriku is the Rankan (Best Fighter) of Gompani. Their family provides many special exports including Mirrors and Communication Portals (small warps). The Academy teaches the Siin of Wind usually, but in the time period of Kandani, the wind siin was excluded from studies. Gompani people are all very different looking as the leaders have always allowed immigration and emmigration. The Tokiroa clan has also provided electricity to the technology evolution.
Volpur - Volpur has control of the Volcano in the North East but its villages reside under ground. They are a very controlled society with very little use. The Darsuiyo is an old fool and a Tyrant. He gets enough food to feed his people by threatening Gompani, under which they reside. Volpur teaches the Siin of Fire. the 5 Kiine are Phanii, Pondoro, Kinken Dorori, Likot Massyan, and Tarik Lofoy. Volpur people are usually very pale, and even have glossy eyes as they do not see real sunlight for the duration of their lives. The streets are constantly lit with fire and lava, and so there are usually burns on their skin. Their hair is usually a red brown and their bodies are weak. Long ago, Volpur used to inhabit Uran forest to the north of the Volcano. But one day the Volcano lost control and threatened to ruin all of Gompani and maybe even Sikaru forest. Wi Anians were forced to open up the ground so all the Lava would be stopped. Sadly, the Lava was still able to flow north and ruined the Volpur Villages in the forest. Everyone then migrated underground where they could work with their fire much more.
- Baln - The Snowy Mountain Country. Pretty much all of Runpa's metals come from Baln. The Capital city is well hidden as it is very difficult for normal people to make the treck up the mountain side with the often buried trail markers. There is snow all the way at the bottom of the slope, even when the other countries feel summer. There is not much for wildlife, but they have an exclusive bird species called a Croma. Cromas looks like crows with white on their heads and tops of their backs and wings, as if it were snowed on. The 4 Kiine from Baln are Chialo Busuke (The Busuke clan works with metals and makes up most of Hinta Village in the north.) Gimi Ailshoy, Ramikanara Domikiza and Yio Iriwana. The people of Baln are tanned but silvery skined and typically have white hair. The Academy specializes in Ice.
- Wi Ani - the Valley. This land once upon a time was a part of the Stalfa Mountain Range. The same Range the Country of Baln stays in. It is said the ancients lowered the land to protect themselves from others. Wi Ani seriously looks like are large thing came down and dented it into the land. There would be ocean to the west of the country, but instead there is a massive cliff stretching for miles where the ocean water seeps in. Waterfalls fall into a river which floats around the south of the land. Wi Ani people specialize with the ground and 'earth' Siin. Brown hair and Brown eyes run rampant, the people look a little similar to our world's Native Americans but with round faces.
- Siymaru - The Islands. Very Tropical and beautiful. Siymaru has very large cities compared to the other countries. The Buildings tower on the shores because the Water Siin users keep the beaches safe from storms. Siymaru exports lots of fish and has lots more businesses than the other countries. Much of the electricity technology was developed here but with help of Gompani's Tokiroa clan. Many research facilities remain on the islands, but medical research is left up to the Julmihona clan which can be found in every country. You meet Strauzu Fiyo, Misara Kiyikamo, Voniki Daanm, Biokiy Sta Rii, and Enni Shirka. Siymaru people are tanned from so much time in the sunlight but their hair colors come as colorful as the tropical animals and birds.
The over all Climates change in a tilted vertical line down the center of Runpa. Klunix and Siymaru are very tropical, while Gompani and Wi Ani can feel the effects of Winter, and Summer throughout the year.
Now for the Treaty. Long ago the countries made a deal where none would be militant. Kiine would still be trained for the overall protection from crime and natural disasters. As a gesture of trust, every 3 years there is a celebration of the treaty where all the Darsuiyos get to witness each other's military units. The countries take turns deciding what the demonstration will be, winning a demonstration allows your country to choose the next one. Nyokara and her teammates are almost finished with their training and so they must attend the next Treaty Celebration. Klunix is in control this year, which is a scary thought because they Darsuiyo has been not so normal. It is proven something is wrong when the Darsuiyo declares all the young ones must fight to the death to demonstrate their powers. What happens with this mess? Find out by reading Born Alone: Kandani.