In a universe of twins, Nyokara was born alone without acceptable explanation. Her birth gave her extraordinary powers, setting her even farther apart from others. She must fight through misunderstanding and loneliness as dark characters are secretly fighting for her powerful soul.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Runpa Treaty

This is the original map intended for Kandani. I really love it because of the color, but there was one problem. The chasm... was way too big. So we put in the black and white version with a smaller chasm. When you buy the book, you should get the update.

But with this picture, I thought I would explain the treaty which requires Nyokara to go from Gompani to Klunix.

If you don't realize it by the first chapter, Runpa has poor records of their history. They don't even know the coming of the Born Alone Child. So all the years are very mushy, knowing when things happened is a utopian idea.

But sometime in this 'Breath' (defined as the time between Born Alone Children) the countries decided to all be at peace. Now for centuries at least, there have been 7 distinct lands with the 7 siins. They eventually earned the names of the current countries. Lets take a look at all of them.

  • Klunix- the country in the trees. This region of Runpa is made up completely of large Fiya trees that grow straight out of the water. because of the Fiya Trees, the water is very shallow and even freshwater. There is no land except for random dirt clumps or sand bars underneath the forest. The buildings are built in the trees, using the rare branches as support. To walk between the buildings, you must take the designated built paths which weave all through the forest. Now the buildings are not built anywhere near the leaves. The leaves grow way up at the canopy, and while the paths are built 20-30 feet above the water, the canopy still grows yet another 50-60 feet above where you walk. There are branches below the canopy, but they are mostly left over from ancient times when the trees were shorter. Kakynaru City is the capital of Klunix. There are two other main villages, Edilamo Village acts as the Ocean Port. And Shante Village is lost in the marshlands in the North East corner of the country. They teach the Leaf Siin in the Klunix Academy. Exports from this country include Fiya Berries (used for Loal Restorative Potions), Explosive materials made from the Fiya Chemicals (the Technology is exclusive to Klunix), Fortified Wood and Leaf Material. Woven fabrics, baskets, etc. from the marsh grasses. As of the time in Kandani, Klunix has the right to hold the treaty celebration. From Klunix, you meet the Darsuiyo who is acting very strangely. Then his 5 new Kiine who are training in their respective country just as Nyokara is in Gompani. Zenpalanai Palomipu, Shemimuzi Kogami, Pioril Bischam, Jolakaria Sukula, and Mikolor Linsiaza. The people of Klunix have rosy skin tones (mint tints) and more [what we would call Norse body structures] wide hips and shoulders, strong jaw lines.

  • Paru - Paru is a very small country but very easy to get lost in. It takes control of the entire Sikaru Forest. Sikaru Forest is a jungle, being home to many of Gompani's animals. People usually find their way because of the constantly changing and moving foliage, or because they were drawn into the darkness by floating lights called 'wisps'. This is the most Mysterious Siin as anyone outside of Paru has no idea what it is. Wisps are balls of light with hypnotic colors and are Physical to the touch without a burning sensation. As far as people know, there are just 2 Villages. Xul Village is the Capital where the Darsuiyo, Sir Kijokui resides. The 2nd is Xine Village. The young fighters include Sir Okiji Makitlon (Cousin to the Darsuiyo), His obnoxious best friend Noki Pada. (Very Important Characters) Darxai Skuluo, Komishuno Mulitone, and Lorleir Hanazoy. Paru exports eternal lamps, but they are unimportant now that electricity is in common use. They get by with other special things such as plants or rare crops. The people of Paru typically have lanky bodies and very dark hair.

  • Gompani - Probably the most Peaceful Country at the time. Sir Chierrikoro is the youngest Darsuiyo but has created an almost perfectly balanced economy. He is playful and wants peace between everyone. Gompani is the land of the fields. There are many grassy hills where the sun can just beat down. Cattle are raised and wheat/corn grown to be sold to other countries. Gompani's capital is Yapia city located in the center. Walka village is on Dalna cliff, the great rock face before the ocean. There is a northern village (Pala) and one at Sikaru forest built around a large property for the Julmihona Healers (Tutor). The 5 Kiine from Gompani are Siltazu Tokiroa, Tsuakiimi Julmihona, Calisia Lizura, Edapal Goyrai and Nyokara Pioni. Names like Jioriku and Kiymiara come from Nyokara's family as Jioriku is the Rankan (Best Fighter) of Gompani. Their family provides many special exports including Mirrors and Communication Portals (small warps). The Academy teaches the Siin of Wind usually, but in the time period of Kandani, the wind siin was excluded from studies. Gompani people are all very different looking as the leaders have always allowed immigration and emmigration. The Tokiroa clan has also provided electricity to the technology evolution.

  • Volpur - Volpur has control of the Volcano in the North East but its villages reside under ground. They are a very controlled society with very little use. The Darsuiyo is an old fool and a Tyrant. He gets enough food to feed his people by threatening Gompani, under which they reside. Volpur teaches the Siin of Fire. the 5 Kiine are Phanii, Pondoro, Kinken Dorori, Likot Massyan, and Tarik Lofoy. Volpur people are usually very pale, and even have glossy eyes as they do not see real sunlight for the duration of their lives. The streets are constantly lit with fire and lava, and so there are usually burns on their skin. Their hair is usually a red brown and their bodies are weak. Long ago, Volpur used to inhabit Uran forest to the north of the Volcano. But one day the Volcano lost control and threatened to ruin all of Gompani and maybe even Sikaru forest. Wi Anians were forced to open up the ground so all the Lava would be stopped. Sadly, the Lava was still able to flow north and ruined the Volpur Villages in the forest. Everyone then migrated underground where they could work with their fire much more.

  • Baln - The Snowy Mountain Country. Pretty much all of Runpa's metals come from Baln. The Capital city is well hidden as it is very difficult for normal people to make the treck up the mountain side with the often buried trail markers. There is snow all the way at the bottom of the slope, even when the other countries feel summer. There is not much for wildlife, but they have an exclusive bird species called a Croma. Cromas looks like crows with white on their heads and tops of their backs and wings, as if it were snowed on. The 4 Kiine from Baln are Chialo Busuke (The Busuke clan works with metals and makes up most of Hinta Village in the north.) Gimi Ailshoy, Ramikanara Domikiza and Yio Iriwana. The people of Baln are tanned but silvery skined and typically have white hair. The Academy specializes in Ice.

  • Wi Ani - the Valley. This land once upon a time was a part of the Stalfa Mountain Range. The same Range the Country of Baln stays in. It is said the ancients lowered the land to protect themselves from others. Wi Ani seriously looks like are large thing came down and dented it into the land. There would be ocean to the west of the country, but instead there is a massive cliff stretching for miles where the ocean water seeps in. Waterfalls fall into a river which floats around the south of the land. Wi Ani people specialize with the ground and 'earth' Siin. Brown hair and Brown eyes run rampant, the people look a little similar to our world's Native Americans but with round faces.

  • Siymaru - The Islands. Very Tropical and beautiful. Siymaru has very large cities compared to the other countries. The Buildings tower on the shores because the Water Siin users keep the beaches safe from storms. Siymaru exports lots of fish and has lots more businesses than the other countries. Much of the electricity technology was developed here but with help of Gompani's Tokiroa clan. Many research facilities remain on the islands, but medical research is left up to the Julmihona clan which can be found in every country. You meet Strauzu Fiyo, Misara Kiyikamo, Voniki Daanm, Biokiy Sta Rii, and Enni Shirka. Siymaru people are tanned from so much time in the sunlight but their hair colors come as colorful as the tropical animals and birds.

The over all Climates change in a tilted vertical line down the center of Runpa. Klunix and Siymaru are very tropical, while Gompani and Wi Ani can feel the effects of Winter, and Summer throughout the year.

Now for the Treaty. Long ago the countries made a deal where none would be militant. Kiine would still be trained for the overall protection from crime and natural disasters. As a gesture of trust, every 3 years there is a celebration of the treaty where all the Darsuiyos get to witness each other's military units. The countries take turns deciding what the demonstration will be, winning a demonstration allows your country to choose the next one. Nyokara and her teammates are almost finished with their training and so they must attend the next Treaty Celebration. Klunix is in control this year, which is a scary thought because they Darsuiyo has been not so normal. It is proven something is wrong when the Darsuiyo declares all the young ones must fight to the death to demonstrate their powers. What happens with this mess? Find out by reading Born Alone: Kandani.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wisps of Paru

What are the mysterious balls of light the Paru Kiine use? What is this thing that is the 7th Siin? Well usually only those who train in the forest city can know, but I will let you in on the secret. Wisps are created from Atoms which are reflecting light. Loal takes those Atoms and manipulates them. But they continue reflecting the light they are recieving even if they are moved into a dark area. Physically, it is impossible in this Universe. But it is natural in Runpa. The wisps are physical light. If you recall Darxai's ability to manipulate darkness. The Skuluo Biatisiin is the partner to the Wisp Siin. They take Atoms with darkness and move them, and they continue to not be hit by light and will not reflect light even when moved into direct sunlight. It is physical darkness, again, not possible here. The Atoms used are usually from the atmosphere as they are the most easily dispursed. If you think logically, then wouldn't this be a special form of the Wind Siin? I'll remind you, this is a different universe. Use your imagination to understand such things. ^_^

Monday, March 28, 2011

Character Origins

Most people ask where the Story Idea started. In truth, the story did not unfold until I had laid all the characters on the table. In response I have been asked 'Where did the Characters come from?' Most of the Characters make up pieces of my own Personality. Only a couple are based on people I know. If you want to know more about the actual Characters and their personality/abilities you will be able to find the posts on this blog:

  • The list started with Phanii, a girl with fox ears and a fox tail. Besides that, she is very plain looking. She started when I started getting into anime. I would sit online for hours scrolling through anime art before I actually started watching the shows. There are so many with animal features, I didn't realize what they were REALLY for until I grew up. But Phanii was already in my heart so I didn't change her. She is also the character who has what many nerds want; a fluffy tail and beautiful ears sticking out of their hair.

  • Calisia is the form of Jealousy. She is vain. She is very tall and has very long, sleek black hair which she uses as a weapon. I am also a jealous person, many people are. They shouldn't feel bad for feeling jealous, Calisia is not supposed to be an example of Jealous people. She is an example of someone who is bad because they are jealous, lonely and sad. Calisia is just unlucky. While I do not like Calisia, I accept most people who feel jealousy because we then have an understanding with each other. What is Calisia jealous of? She is insecure and believes she is not very amazing. She sees Tsuakiimi who is from a very common clan but still is unique. She has to be around Nyokara, Siltazu and Edapal who are all very quirky and have different personalities. She wants to stand out as well but can not find her niche. This is why she acts how she does.

  • Tsuakiimi is from me as well. I have a strong opposition to family persuasion. But I didn't rebel in illegal or immoral ways, and neither does she. She is very stand offish, kind of mean but people who are determined to accomplish their dreams, can be that way. She is very lonely because she is beautiful. The piece she says later in Kandani comes right out of something I said. Through research I've noticed that girls all want to be pretty. But when they get to be the pretty one, they finally understand how depressing it is.

  • Nyokara was based on my loneliness and depression. I was very upset throughout high school and I want readers who were just like me, to find relation in Nyokara. But Nyokara is also based on Greed for... how do I say this. not power. but powers. She has a craving to learn, it is her only hobby. And I am like that. I like learning about everything, knowing about everything. And I wish so desperately I could do some kind of amazing thing that these people do in my stories. I wish I could just concentrate on a spot in the air and create a mirror.. or something. Nyokara is representation of that. There are many other things she becomes as the story progresses but this is how she started.

  • Edapal is one of my high school friends. Both these girls have the same body structure, short and curvy, they have wavy shoulder length hair and a plump face. They're both adorable except Edapal has green hair and green eyes. I remember, this friend, she loved singing and dreamed of being on Broadway. At first Edapal's character didn't have this but as I wrote about her, I developed the back story and now Edapal loves to sing. I couldn't write about my friend and not include that. This friend also is someone who was there in the beginning of the story and helped me with Character Creation. Thank you, Maria. ^_^ But the Whining is from me, no worries.

  • Siltazu is Innocence. He has the playful side of a child and the pure love for Tsuakiimi. He is dedicated, sweet, and faithful. But he needs to grow up.

  • Noki is based on someone I knew. This is the most interesting person I've ever known. He does things just because he does them. I can't even explain it, normal people don't do it. He does stuff because he's going to do it and that's it. Try to wrap your mind around it. Say the sentence in different ways as there is no better way to do it. He sometimes has reasons for things but most times he really doesn't. He just makes up his mind and sticks to it. But Noki over time has evolved and is much less stubborn and more obnoxious than this friend I knew.

  • All of the names of the Characters were created when I was young. Just off the top of my head. It wasn't until I was like. 17 that I heard about Loki, the god of mischief. It was so perfect to name Noki what I named him. But in my heart the sound 'Oki' is playful which also applies to Okiji. I decided to type the names into search boxes to see what else connected. The only other major thing was "Nyoka" means Snake in Swahili and the snake has always been Nyokara's Symbol. It make me scream in joy ^_^ Oh I suppose I should explain Nyokara's name. Nyo is a sense of destiny. Oka is playful but quite and shy. Ara is strong. And all together it is Nyokara. I don't make the names in pieces like that but the pieces do have emotions tied to them. Calisia's name is similar to someone I very much dislike. Tsuakiimi. Well she looks like a Kimmy. But I've known some very terrible women named Kim so I decided Kiimi was cuter, pronounced KEEMEE. And Tsu is from Sue, someone I am very lucky to be related to.

  • Jo is my protectiveness, and guardianship.

  • Pioril is a form of helpfulness and caring, another piece of me and many other people.

  • Darxai is the romantic dream you can't help but imagine as a girl. That fantasy man appears differently to everyone but Darxai is the symbol of him.

  • Komishuno is a contradiction. He hates fighting but he wants to live for his brother. And his brother was going to live to fight. Komishuno has to use the bones of the creatures he mourns, he is tragic.

  • Lorleir and Mikolor are both the symbols of Runpa losing its goodness. This is a world where people are dedicated to one and both these people influence the change into something less worthwhile.

  • Zenpalanai is obsession. He isn't as bad as the stalkers in horror movies, but he does have mild obsession. Obsession is accompanied by determination and frustration, both are demonstrated often in his personality.

  • Chialo is suspicion. He is an excellent strategist because of it. He has distrust in most people when he first meets them. He represents weariness and watching the people around you before you trust them. His stature is menacing in response.

  • Gimi is plain, he is meant to be one of the less quirky characters of the book, but he is the one people tend to turn to and so he has to monitor the strange ones around him.

  • Pondoro is the sense of Honor

  • Phanii is one of the most complicated and does not apply to just one. She is lonely like Nyokara but not because she has her Foxes. She is the most Spiritual of them all right before Noki.

  • Konkon represents drama, but she's not really there for most of the drama, this is just how she started.

  • Likot is friendship, in the way that his friends mean so much to him.

  • Yio is one of my favorite characters barely anyone can figure out ^_^ But he is the Thinking character.

  • Ramikanara is the abused. But she turned out rather well considering the harassment she got from her family

  • Ziibinra is from my own Curiosity. He has so much curiosity he will lose sight of his goal to see what else can happen as results of his actions.

  • Shiru -believe it or not- represents Good. But you can't achieve good without bad. This trait rubs off on Nyokara quickly.

This is just how everyone started out, not how they ended up. But much of it evolved to be very true.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Witchvox Description Idea

I am currently working on my first website advertisement. This post will be a listing on My next targeted site is and then Facebook Fan pages.

Witchvox gives me the option of writing up to 3,000 words about the book in order to entice readers. I wrote the same introduction to the book I have at the top of this blog site but that was only 42 words! It is so difficult to pick out a perfect section of the book to advertise with.
I know it needs to be a piece with only a couple characters. This intensely narrows the choices as I have almost 30 main characters in the book, all complete with their own weird name and hair style.
This piece needs to have the LEAD character or at least one of the handful of next main characters. The scene I have posted below came to my mind first. It is right in the middle of the book. A discussion between Nyokara and my FAVORITE character named Noki. He is a quirky, mischievous boy with a sense of responsibility when in range with Nyokara. While he is usually goofy, this shows his hidden personality as he consoles his newest best friend. It also gives the reader a glimpse of how powers work in my story. This version I am posting is rough as it is the draft before proof reading.

"Nyokara put her hand out, her Loal streaming through her body, through her arm and into her palm. She pushed it out of her skin to gather in the air. When enough had conjured, Nyokara struck it with a mind match and it ignited.
The fire warmed her as she fed it with her Loal. Thankfully, she had used the right amount of it. The chance of burning her eyebrows off did cross her mind. The little bubble of flames flickered happily. Like a friend in the storm it smiled at her and she glowed brighter. Nyokara held onto the fire, but split her concentration. Summoning some Fiya leaves to her lap. She crumpled and ripped them with her Loal, making a little pile to set the fire onto. It burned next to her in its own seat of leaves, and she disconnected her Loal from it.
Nyokara looked the other direction, seeing a dry leaf hanging some distance away. She aimed, putting her arm out and thrusting Loal towards it. A large flamethrower erupted from her palm, dangerously licking her fingers as it streamed towards the leaf.
Nyokara let the heat go, leaving an ashy leaf stem on the far away branch. “Wow, this power is much more destructive than the others. It’s more directly a weapon then water or air.”
Nyokara turned back to her little fire, to find someone enjoying its company just as she was. She screamed.
“Nyokara. Do you always keep your Loal inside your body like that? As a fighter you should be constantly sensing for another person,” Noki told her.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, tucking her wet hair behind her ear. He was soaked too, dripping all over the branch. The white circles in his hair were converted into splotches. His height was decreased by a couple inches due to his head being wet down.
“Sneaking about. You should know this by now. As part of our group, we are constantly ready to scare someone. You don’t want to be kicked out of the group do you?” he asked, letting his legs hang off the side of the branch, kicking water from his shoes. “You were right. Bare foot was the right way to go, today.”
“Oh.” Nyokara looked away, shivering slightly.
“So. You can use both Fiya leaves and fire?” he asked.
“Um... yeah...” she answered quietly.
“Well, don’t be ashamed! You don’t have to lie to me. Especially, because I already figured it out. Go ahead and increase the fire if you’re cold. There’s no point in hiding it.”
The fire grew as Nyokara obeyed. “You already know?” she asked.
“Well. You know... I know some stuff. I also know you hide a lot from people. I can see it,” he tapped on his face next to his eye. “Nyokara. I meant it.” He smiled. “We’re friends. You can tell me stuff.”
“So you came all the way out here. Just to talk to me?” she asked.
“Yeah. So?” Noki leaned back on the branch. “It seemed like you weren’t gonna just come out and tell me what’s going on. So I started fishing for the information. Guessing isn’t working so well, why don’t you just tell me.”
“What do you want to know?” Nyokara asked quietly, pulling her legs up to her body and hugging them. He’s such a strange person. Friends? I thought me and the girls were friends. Is there another level? Are there different kinds of friends? Maybe... some friends see things better than other can. And he went out of his way to ask me about me. "

I personally, hate my writing. ^_^ I can't help but criticize it constantly. Hopefully, this will catch your attention as your opinion is the important one in the plot line of my series.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Production

The first full draft of Kandani, the first book of the Born Alone series, was finished barely one week before my 18th birthday. This would be January of 2010.

The series started with simple character design. And would you believe Phanii was the first character idea? It wasn't until I created Nyokara that the story unfolded. She started as a child born alone in a clan of twins. It wasn't until later that I decided to spread this quality to every family of Born Alone, and thus would create the reason why Nyokara was hated.

The story was just the first book; Nyokara would go to a tournament and deal with real life situations most teens today see. I wanted a fantasy world where real life things happen so readers could imagine themselves in the world when day dreaming.

It wasn't until I finished a skeletal writing of the story line that I decided to add the gods and the other worlds. This turned over the leaf with all the ideas for the rest of the series. All at once ideas flooded my mind including Nyokara's path of actions, her obstacles, her powers, most of what you'll see in all the books was created at that point in time.
Editting Kandani took me a year. I was perfecting so many ideas that needed to be included in Kandani to line up the following books.
I met Alan Leddon, owner of Spero Publishing. I was actually able to grab his attention with my terrible presentation of the story. This was the last stepping stone to get over the river. At that point, I felt already as if I had accomplished my life goal. Now the only directions for my dream to go is up and out. Kandani is the giant prologue to the Born Alone Series, and is the start of the rest of my life.

2011 Update:
Many writers run into obstacles when trying to publish. Spero Publishing and I are no longer in business. They published my book without editing; making me look like a terrible writer. Then when we edited it, they couldn't get it back up for sale. He advertised to the wrong crowd and overall disappointed me.
I have learned in today's publishing industry that writers are expected to self publish online and when their book sells many copies, publishing companies will contact the writer and offer to publish in print. So that is what I am doing. Born alone will be up on Smashwords and Amazon soon. As soon as my wonderful cover artist 'Messa' finishes the masterpiece I am expecting back.