In a universe of twins, Nyokara was born alone without acceptable explanation. Her birth gave her extraordinary powers, setting her even farther apart from others. She must fight through misunderstanding and loneliness as dark characters are secretly fighting for her powerful soul.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wisps of Paru

What are the mysterious balls of light the Paru Kiine use? What is this thing that is the 7th Siin? Well usually only those who train in the forest city can know, but I will let you in on the secret. Wisps are created from Atoms which are reflecting light. Loal takes those Atoms and manipulates them. But they continue reflecting the light they are recieving even if they are moved into a dark area. Physically, it is impossible in this Universe. But it is natural in Runpa. The wisps are physical light. If you recall Darxai's ability to manipulate darkness. The Skuluo Biatisiin is the partner to the Wisp Siin. They take Atoms with darkness and move them, and they continue to not be hit by light and will not reflect light even when moved into direct sunlight. It is physical darkness, again, not possible here. The Atoms used are usually from the atmosphere as they are the most easily dispursed. If you think logically, then wouldn't this be a special form of the Wind Siin? I'll remind you, this is a different universe. Use your imagination to understand such things. ^_^

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