In a universe of twins, Nyokara was born alone without acceptable explanation. Her birth gave her extraordinary powers, setting her even farther apart from others. She must fight through misunderstanding and loneliness as dark characters are secretly fighting for her powerful soul.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First Production

The first full draft of Kandani, the first book of the Born Alone series, was finished barely one week before my 18th birthday. This would be January of 2010.

The series started with simple character design. And would you believe Phanii was the first character idea? It wasn't until I created Nyokara that the story unfolded. She started as a child born alone in a clan of twins. It wasn't until later that I decided to spread this quality to every family of Born Alone, and thus would create the reason why Nyokara was hated.

The story was just the first book; Nyokara would go to a tournament and deal with real life situations most teens today see. I wanted a fantasy world where real life things happen so readers could imagine themselves in the world when day dreaming.

It wasn't until I finished a skeletal writing of the story line that I decided to add the gods and the other worlds. This turned over the leaf with all the ideas for the rest of the series. All at once ideas flooded my mind including Nyokara's path of actions, her obstacles, her powers, most of what you'll see in all the books was created at that point in time.
Editting Kandani took me a year. I was perfecting so many ideas that needed to be included in Kandani to line up the following books.
I met Alan Leddon, owner of Spero Publishing. I was actually able to grab his attention with my terrible presentation of the story. This was the last stepping stone to get over the river. At that point, I felt already as if I had accomplished my life goal. Now the only directions for my dream to go is up and out. Kandani is the giant prologue to the Born Alone Series, and is the start of the rest of my life.

2011 Update:
Many writers run into obstacles when trying to publish. Spero Publishing and I are no longer in business. They published my book without editing; making me look like a terrible writer. Then when we edited it, they couldn't get it back up for sale. He advertised to the wrong crowd and overall disappointed me.
I have learned in today's publishing industry that writers are expected to self publish online and when their book sells many copies, publishing companies will contact the writer and offer to publish in print. So that is what I am doing. Born alone will be up on Smashwords and Amazon soon. As soon as my wonderful cover artist 'Messa' finishes the masterpiece I am expecting back.

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