In a universe of twins, Nyokara was born alone without acceptable explanation. Her birth gave her extraordinary powers, setting her even farther apart from others. She must fight through misunderstanding and loneliness as dark characters are secretly fighting for her powerful soul.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Character Origins

Most people ask where the Story Idea started. In truth, the story did not unfold until I had laid all the characters on the table. In response I have been asked 'Where did the Characters come from?' Most of the Characters make up pieces of my own Personality. Only a couple are based on people I know. If you want to know more about the actual Characters and their personality/abilities you will be able to find the posts on this blog:

  • The list started with Phanii, a girl with fox ears and a fox tail. Besides that, she is very plain looking. She started when I started getting into anime. I would sit online for hours scrolling through anime art before I actually started watching the shows. There are so many with animal features, I didn't realize what they were REALLY for until I grew up. But Phanii was already in my heart so I didn't change her. She is also the character who has what many nerds want; a fluffy tail and beautiful ears sticking out of their hair.

  • Calisia is the form of Jealousy. She is vain. She is very tall and has very long, sleek black hair which she uses as a weapon. I am also a jealous person, many people are. They shouldn't feel bad for feeling jealous, Calisia is not supposed to be an example of Jealous people. She is an example of someone who is bad because they are jealous, lonely and sad. Calisia is just unlucky. While I do not like Calisia, I accept most people who feel jealousy because we then have an understanding with each other. What is Calisia jealous of? She is insecure and believes she is not very amazing. She sees Tsuakiimi who is from a very common clan but still is unique. She has to be around Nyokara, Siltazu and Edapal who are all very quirky and have different personalities. She wants to stand out as well but can not find her niche. This is why she acts how she does.

  • Tsuakiimi is from me as well. I have a strong opposition to family persuasion. But I didn't rebel in illegal or immoral ways, and neither does she. She is very stand offish, kind of mean but people who are determined to accomplish their dreams, can be that way. She is very lonely because she is beautiful. The piece she says later in Kandani comes right out of something I said. Through research I've noticed that girls all want to be pretty. But when they get to be the pretty one, they finally understand how depressing it is.

  • Nyokara was based on my loneliness and depression. I was very upset throughout high school and I want readers who were just like me, to find relation in Nyokara. But Nyokara is also based on Greed for... how do I say this. not power. but powers. She has a craving to learn, it is her only hobby. And I am like that. I like learning about everything, knowing about everything. And I wish so desperately I could do some kind of amazing thing that these people do in my stories. I wish I could just concentrate on a spot in the air and create a mirror.. or something. Nyokara is representation of that. There are many other things she becomes as the story progresses but this is how she started.

  • Edapal is one of my high school friends. Both these girls have the same body structure, short and curvy, they have wavy shoulder length hair and a plump face. They're both adorable except Edapal has green hair and green eyes. I remember, this friend, she loved singing and dreamed of being on Broadway. At first Edapal's character didn't have this but as I wrote about her, I developed the back story and now Edapal loves to sing. I couldn't write about my friend and not include that. This friend also is someone who was there in the beginning of the story and helped me with Character Creation. Thank you, Maria. ^_^ But the Whining is from me, no worries.

  • Siltazu is Innocence. He has the playful side of a child and the pure love for Tsuakiimi. He is dedicated, sweet, and faithful. But he needs to grow up.

  • Noki is based on someone I knew. This is the most interesting person I've ever known. He does things just because he does them. I can't even explain it, normal people don't do it. He does stuff because he's going to do it and that's it. Try to wrap your mind around it. Say the sentence in different ways as there is no better way to do it. He sometimes has reasons for things but most times he really doesn't. He just makes up his mind and sticks to it. But Noki over time has evolved and is much less stubborn and more obnoxious than this friend I knew.

  • All of the names of the Characters were created when I was young. Just off the top of my head. It wasn't until I was like. 17 that I heard about Loki, the god of mischief. It was so perfect to name Noki what I named him. But in my heart the sound 'Oki' is playful which also applies to Okiji. I decided to type the names into search boxes to see what else connected. The only other major thing was "Nyoka" means Snake in Swahili and the snake has always been Nyokara's Symbol. It make me scream in joy ^_^ Oh I suppose I should explain Nyokara's name. Nyo is a sense of destiny. Oka is playful but quite and shy. Ara is strong. And all together it is Nyokara. I don't make the names in pieces like that but the pieces do have emotions tied to them. Calisia's name is similar to someone I very much dislike. Tsuakiimi. Well she looks like a Kimmy. But I've known some very terrible women named Kim so I decided Kiimi was cuter, pronounced KEEMEE. And Tsu is from Sue, someone I am very lucky to be related to.

  • Jo is my protectiveness, and guardianship.

  • Pioril is a form of helpfulness and caring, another piece of me and many other people.

  • Darxai is the romantic dream you can't help but imagine as a girl. That fantasy man appears differently to everyone but Darxai is the symbol of him.

  • Komishuno is a contradiction. He hates fighting but he wants to live for his brother. And his brother was going to live to fight. Komishuno has to use the bones of the creatures he mourns, he is tragic.

  • Lorleir and Mikolor are both the symbols of Runpa losing its goodness. This is a world where people are dedicated to one and both these people influence the change into something less worthwhile.

  • Zenpalanai is obsession. He isn't as bad as the stalkers in horror movies, but he does have mild obsession. Obsession is accompanied by determination and frustration, both are demonstrated often in his personality.

  • Chialo is suspicion. He is an excellent strategist because of it. He has distrust in most people when he first meets them. He represents weariness and watching the people around you before you trust them. His stature is menacing in response.

  • Gimi is plain, he is meant to be one of the less quirky characters of the book, but he is the one people tend to turn to and so he has to monitor the strange ones around him.

  • Pondoro is the sense of Honor

  • Phanii is one of the most complicated and does not apply to just one. She is lonely like Nyokara but not because she has her Foxes. She is the most Spiritual of them all right before Noki.

  • Konkon represents drama, but she's not really there for most of the drama, this is just how she started.

  • Likot is friendship, in the way that his friends mean so much to him.

  • Yio is one of my favorite characters barely anyone can figure out ^_^ But he is the Thinking character.

  • Ramikanara is the abused. But she turned out rather well considering the harassment she got from her family

  • Ziibinra is from my own Curiosity. He has so much curiosity he will lose sight of his goal to see what else can happen as results of his actions.

  • Shiru -believe it or not- represents Good. But you can't achieve good without bad. This trait rubs off on Nyokara quickly.

This is just how everyone started out, not how they ended up. But much of it evolved to be very true.


  1. This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content and images as well! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

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